Terms & Conditions

The Fitness Club Membership Rules and Regulations

1. Members must swipe their ID key ring on every visit.

2. Membership applications are subject to a waiting list and completing an application form does not give automatic membership to the club.

3. Membership is non transferable. Credit cannot be given on membership that is not used.

4. Where a relevant medical certificate is produced to show that you physically could not use the club, membership can be frozen. You must notify the manager in writing to freeze your membership. Membership cannot be frozen under any other circumstances.

5. Members are welcome to bring a guest. Guests must register at reception and the fee is E10.00. Members must be with guest.

6. Children under the age of 5 can visit as a guest free of charge only during the pool times 7.00am to 7.00pm. Monday – Sunday. Towels are not provided for children.

7. The Fitness Club is not liable for any injuries to any member or any property damaged, lost or stolen inside or outside the club.

8. All safety and warning signs are in your best interest. Please obey at all times.

9. Staff may limit the period of time and the number of people using any area if overcrowding occurs, or in the interest of safety.

10. Management reserves the right to remove any person from the centre and revoke any membership without explanation or refund.

11. Smoking or vaping is not permitted in any area of theclub.

12. The use of cameras is not permitted in the club.

13. Persons considered being under the influence of alcohol or other stimulants will not be permitted into the club.

14. Persons under 16 years are not permitted to use the gymnasium.

15. To maintain a high hygiene standard members are requested to shower before entering the pool and thermal suite. Flip flops should be worn at all times.

16. Diving is strictly prohibited.

17.  Swimming hats must be worn. Failure to comply with this rule will result in you being asked
to leave the pool.

18. One towel is provided per visit as part of your membership. Should you require further towels you must provide them yourself.